
My efforts to capture the last of the spring colors was successful! Me and my fellow photo club member Alex went out for a nice spring/ summer preview shoot. Alex has this great quirky personality, and I love her hair!! It’s very Hunger Games-esque with the side braid.

It was a cloudy day and Alex braved the wind, cold, and wildly swinging reflectors to get some great shots. I loved working with Alex, she has such a great and fun personality, and being a photographer herself she was very patient with different poses and windy reflectors!

I’m headed to Coeur d’Alene tomorrow to take some more Roosevelt pictures, and shoot an intimate ceremony. Then I’m off to my hometown, Sugar Land, Texas! I’m excited to see my puppy and my family, and the zoo. I can’t wait to show you guys the new room and ballroom shots, as well as the Dave and Pamela’s wedding, and Shara and Jose’s engagement! Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks again to Alex for being so amazing !

Shaina + Caleb

This past week I had the pleasure of going out with Shaina and Caleb to try and take advantage of the spring blossoms! The University of Idaho Arboretum is beautiful this time of year. And they were so cute!



I recently purchased BlogStomp, I don’t know if you can tell :). I love this for the blog, it tells a much better story! Anyhow, Shaina and Caleb met at Jack in the Box while they were working, we all expressed our love for Jack in the Box taco’s! You might recognize Shaina from our last post, she was a bridesmaid for  Chelsey’s wedding on 4/15! Her and Caleb were just so cute at the wedding I couldn’t resist asking them to do a session with me.





It was such fun shooting these guys!  Next week I have another spring shoot in the works, with some whimsical flair :). The days are getting longer here in North Idaho, and the sun is gorgeous in the evening (as you can tell by Shaina and Caleb’s shots in front of the willow tree!!). I’ll be going to Houston in a couple of weeks to visit family, where the evening sun is just as gorgeous, and there should be some high grass there too! I hope I can do some shoots in it! I also can’t wait to stop by my favorite store which is sadly absent up here, Sephora :). Any other Sephora lovers out there?